Be Extraordinary: your Guide to Self-Mastery
"5 Proven Strategies To Overcome Internal Barriers And Achieve Self-Mastery"
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Be Extraordinary: Your Guide to Self-Mastery
5 Proven Strategies To Overcome Internal Barriers And Achieve Self-Mastery
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In Case You're Curious, Here's Exactly What You'll Learn Inside This Bestselling Book...

This new book is divided into 5 distinct sections...

Here's a sneak peak into some of the powerful insights, ideas & practical strategies you'll learn in each one of the sections...

-- Section #1 --

Emotional Mastery: Feed Your Mind

"Your Emotions Are The Slaves To Your Thoughts, And You Are The Slave To Your Emotions." - Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat Pray Love

  • In just the first few pages, you’ll learn exactly WHAT a thought really is, and exactly HOW thoughts impact your life on a minute-by-minute basis. Understanding WHAT thoughts are enable you to become conscious of them, and awareness is the ULTIMATE power...
  • How to attach MEANING to any event or situation. It's not WHAT happens to you that makes all the difference; it's the meaning you assign to it. Imagine learning that something 'BAD' that happens to you is actually a great thing that's happening FOR you!
  • THE TRUTH BEHIND FEELINGS! You’ll learn exactly HOW feelings form, where they come from and how to use this power to create feelings and emotional states that EMPOWER you! 
  • What Your Mind REALLY Is... (WARNING: once you hear your mind described in this way, you’ll no longer look be able to look at your thought and emotions in the same way; you’ll no longer be able to claim how you FEEL as the reason you can't achieve personal success. What you’ll gain instead though is a mindset & mental picture for any thoughts, feelings and emotions that pass through your 'mental factory'!
  • Why NOTHING Is Impossible -  Something is only 'impossible' until someone does it! Hear the stories of the impossible turned possible, and apply the same methods to your OWN 'impossibilities' in life!
  • Environment = Success? Is that really true? - Growing up you may have realized how similar you became to your closest friends - & that you gravitated to those who were most like you. But, is this true?  Does proximity truly equal POWER? Discover the TRUTH behind your environment & peer groups and HOW it relates to your own personal success!
  • THE Routines Of World Changers & Thought Shifters - You are what you do most of the time. Your rituals and habits are shaping you every second of your life; but most rituals are unconscious; they're done without thinking! Discover the habits and routines, when implemented, will forever multiply your efforts! … (NOTE: once you learn these habits & rituals, they'll forever change your physical and mental realities!)

-- Section #2 --

Physical Mastery: Cherish Your Temple

  • The TWO core principles of physical vitality that hold the key to unlimited levels of energy, productivity & self-confidence you desire & deserve… (PLUS: my own personal story which will help you avoid the mistakes I made and get onto the path of mastery!)
  • THE ULTIMATE STRATEGY FOR LASTING VITALITY -- Learning this tool will open the door for you into a reality in which you’re burning fat while eating the foods you love to eat AND creating MORE energy to complete what truly meaningful to you!
  • We’ve been told ‘hunger’ is always physical thing & we should ‘'satisfy’ it with many small meals throughout the day, however you'll learn that hunger is often a  MENTAL construct that may be holding you back from your physical goals...​ discover how to use this information to your advantage to summon extraordinary levels of FOCUS(NOTE: this is what high achievers do really well & you’ll learn how to as well in this section!)
  • HEALTH & LIVELINESS is a game of _____________! (You’ll learn to strategically eat the foods that create high levels of physical happiness and abundance!)
  • THE "3 FOUNDATIONS OF MASTERY" framework - You’ll learn the 3 irrefutable keys you MUST have in place to become extraordinary at anything… (IMPORTANT: if you’re missing any 1 of these 3 keys, you’re likelihood of getting to a high level of competence goes down dramatically!)
  • Why 'going on a diet' & 'watching what you eat' is NOT effective and WHY it's been holding you back from ultimate peaks of physical buoyancy... (PLUS: a detailed guide into what DOES create lasting physical results, the keys to becoming your most fit self!)
  • Ideas, strategies & exercises for how to think about food along with the positive metaphysical effects this has on your body...
  • Ever hear "breakfast is the most important meal of the day"? Learn why this saying is a MYTH and how it has been negatively effecting your performance and mental clarity… (INCLUDING: practical examples of what you CAN do instead, with strategies backed by SCIENCE!)
  • The simple explanation behind WHY you feel bad after eating certain meals... (NOTE: It's NOT what you think, and you'll learn how to eat instead so that you STILL have magnitudes of energy available to you!)
  • The magical benefits of fruits (& how they affect your body) and how you can USE them to prolong your energy and life... (IMPORTANT: we all know fruits are great for us, but many of us are consuming fruits in the WRONG way. After learning this, you'll know exactly how to incorporate and USE fruits to serve you!)
  • How to change your relationship with exercise... (INCLUDING: inspiring examples & practical lessons from the lives of top performers and world-changers who've made exercise fit into their colorful and busy lifestyles!)
  • 1 unconventional, yet effective strategy for incorporating exercise into your life (INCLUDING: steps you can include into your lifestyle TODAY to get moving and enjoy ALL of the benefits that will follow!)
  • A 7 DAY CHALLENGE to re-wire your brain and take powerful steps towards physical mastery... (just like the world’s highest achievers do!)

-- Section #3 --

Financial Mastery: Create True Freedom

  • What 'Financial Freedom' REALLY is! (NOTE: This means something different for each person… & when you learn these philosophies in this section, you may be surprised how realistic true freedom really is for you!)
  • How does money actually work & how can you fully enjoy your life WHILE creating a comfortable nest-egg?​ We’ll dive deep into this & you’ll learn the mechanics of creating an extraordinary retirement & living life to the fullest NOW! (NOTE: once you learn this, it’ll have a near-instantaneous positive effect on your finances!)
  • DOWNLOAD THE 'MONEY MINDSET' REQUIRED FOR FINANCIAL SUCCESS which you can apply, almost immediately, to earn more, secure your 'freedom fund' & invest for the future… (INCLUDING: practicing the correct “money language” which will help you ATTRACT more money into your life and help you KEEP it, too!)
  • POWERFUL “EMERGENCY FUND” HACKS -- once you learn this, you’ll never worry about having money for that emergency expense again (in most situations!) and you'll experience true financial comfort, which will further boost your 'Money Mindset'!
  • How I applied the strategy of ______________ to rapidly eliminate the crippling debts that were holding me down financially... (e.g. the step by step plan to eradicate debt from your life, so you can live freely and breath deeply again!)
  • Most people assume that high achievers “get rich by earning more” -- they DON’T! You’ll learn what they actually do instead to secure their beautiful financial future…
  • Whether it’s by choice, serious life event or last-minute staff-cuts at work… how can you prepare yourself financially in the event you're not working or earning income? And are there ways we can prepare ourselves, so that we actually thrive no matter what? YES! Absolutely! And you’ll learn these understandings, ideas, tips & tricks in this section…
  • The 1 simple, yet powerful, strategy which helped me invest thousands into my financial future without physically saving or transferring money to a separate each month... (PLUS: how YOU can apply this same strategy to invest more money, thrive financially & achieve ultimate peace of mind, knowing you're securing your future!)
  • What is it that stops, limits & slows down financial progress? In this section, we look at finances from every angle, including a piece on the “FINANCIAL FREEDOM KILLER” which is robbing people from fully tapping into their investing power! (PLUS, of course, you’ll also learn practical steps you can take to overcome this trap immediately and get the best possible financial results going forward...)
  • The #1 question you MUST ask yourself if you want to not just earn more money, but actually live and breathe TRUE financial freedom!
  • Ideas & tips on how you can invest in your financial future and live your future reality MUCH sooner than you anticipated! Discover what Tony Robbins calls his “THREE TO THRIVE” which will set you up for ultimate financial success!
  • How to craft a clear strategy (& pick an exciting money vehicle) to create a money machine that will earn you income even while you're SLEEPING! 

-- Section #4 --

Relationship Mastery: The Juice Of Life

  • Discover The POWER Of Relationships In Your Life: They Can Make Life More Extraordinary OR Halt Your Genius! … (NOTE: once you understand this, you’ll know exactly how to build and foster the RIGHT relationships in your life!)
  • The “#1 KEY TO STRONG AND LASTING RELATIONSHIPS” explained -- You’ll learn what it really takes to create LASTING and successful relationships... (INCLUDING: a detailed step by step plan to build them in your life!)
  • All successful relationships (of ANY kind) follow specific 'rules'… once you learn these rules in this section, you’ll be able to anticipate the challenges ahead & more easily create invest energy into the relationships you desire!
  • HOW YOU'RE COMMUNICATING EACH AND EVERY MINUTE! - you’ll learn the truth behind powerful communication: you're doing it even when you SAY nothing at all! (NOTE: just think about how many more factors go into your communication, aside from just words! You're communicating in various different ways that we'll dive into in this section!)
  • How to apply Mark Twain’s famous 14-word-quote to disconnect from average, mediocre thinking & step into the mindset of high performance & extraordinary achievement
  • How to discover the MEANING of any communication, along with the truth behind ANY 'upset' you encounter in communication with another person..
  • The 'ULTIMATE FRAMEWORK' to discover & unlock happiness in ANY relationship... this framework (& the specific set of insights that comes along with it) will help you, not only create beautiful relationships, but bring with it RAPID, ACCELERATED results!!
  • A SUMMARY of the key ideas, understandings & core beliefs of powerful and influential communication… which, combined, will help you supercharge your natural capacity to learn the true essence of others, make new friends, strengthen existing relationships &, should you choose, become truly extraordinary and the BEST version of yourself in ANY relationship!

-- Section #5 --

Spiritual Mastery: The Ultimate Attitude

  • The #1 attitude that will allow you to find purpose, truth and meaning in ANY situation life throws your way... (NOTE: once you understand this, you’ll forever enhance your experience of life in a new and beautiful way!)
  • All successful changes (& new-formed habits) require a specific 'focus'… once you learn the mechanics of this "REQUIRED FOCUS" in this section, you’ll be able to find joy, happiness and solutions to anything you face in your life, 'good' or 'bad'!
  • How to instantly change how you feel and reconnect to the source of true fulfillment and satisfaction in life, while stepping into the mindset of high performance & extraordinary achievement
  • How to re-wire your brain and tune it to gratitude, which will in effect help you find MORE things to be grateful for each and every day!
  • Ideas & strategies for transforming your mind & attitude into a “FINELY TUNED ENGINE"... (IMPORTANT: learning these keys will not only help you implement what you learn in this book, but will help you to set up each of your days in a beautiful and successful way!)
  • Discover this MAGICAL part of your brain that will help you summon ultimate achievement and happiness... this knowledge (& the specific set of insights that comes along with it) will help you, not only become great at achieving your goals, but will help you enhance your overall experience of life!
  • The ONE technique and routine that will forever level up your life… when utilized properly, this strategy will help you supercharge your natural capacity to find beauty in your everyday life and will help you experience more joy in everyday encounters.
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